Carla Suárez, ambassador of the BCN Sports Film Festival, visits the Juvenile Penitentiary Center

Carla Suárez is a reference, as reflected in her documentary “Carla Suárez, imbatida”, where she tells us her story after being diagnosed with “Hodgkin’s lymphoma”, a cancer that momentarily, but not definitively, stopped her sports career.
This documentary full of positivity, strength and fighting capacity has been one of those chosen by the team of educators of the Penitentiary Center for young people to give a message of sacrifice, work and perseverance to the inmates. A great example that has been reinforced by Carla who has approached the Center with a very clear message “Life puts obstacles in your way and you should not ask yourself why to me, but how I overcome them and get ahead”.
Carla Suárez was accompanied in the visit by Frank Terrón, director of the Fundació Barcelona Olímpica, managing entity of the BCN Sports Film; the Secretary of Penal Measures, Reinsertion and Attention to the Victim, Sergi Blàzquez; and the director of the Penitentiary Center, Lluís Plaza; in addition to the team of professionals of the penitentiary center and the inmates who wanted to participate. After the screening, the inmates were able to share a few moments of tennis in the sports facilities of the Center.
“Imbatida” is part of the BCN Sports Film 2022 program, this documentary will be screened within the session “The match of my life” on Friday, February 18 at 19h at the Museu Olímpic.
Make your reservation for the session!
In person on the web https://www.bcnsportsfilm.org/en/evento/the-match-of-my-life/ or virtually through the festhome platform: https://tv.festhome.com/festivaltv/bcn-sports-film-festival/0/4652